




Reply to SSL issues when using test flight
I'm noticing a similar issue with simulator vs. physical device, the TCP connection works fine on the simulator, but runs into issues with a physical device. What's strange is that on the computer running the simulator, I seem to be able access the local TCP server from outside the simulator. Maybe something to do with bounjour or dns name collision?
May ’24
Reply to WTFCrashWithInfo (WebKit) iOS 17.4
The sharedToolPickerForWindow: method is now deprecated, the solution was to change the code to the following: - (void)setToolPicker API_AVAILABLE(ios(13)) { self.picker = [[PKToolPicker alloc] init]; [self.picker addObserver:self.canvas]; [self.picker setVisible:true forFirstResponder:self.canvas]; [self.canvas becomeFirstResponder]; } This was quite difficult to find since it was hidden in an npm package we were using.
Feb ’24
Reply to WTFCrashWithInfo (WebKit) iOS 17.4
The issue was seemingly unrelated, we had the following code elsewhere in our code-base which allows for drawing with the Apple Pencil. - (void)setToolPicker API_AVAILABLE(ios(13)) { UIWindow *window = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window]; self.picker = [PKToolPicker sharedToolPickerForWindow:window]; [self.picker addObserver:self.canvas]; [self.picker setVisible:true forFirstResponder:self.canvas]; [self.canvas becomeFirstResponder]; } Since our application is a react-native application, the native modules are instantiated as singletons when the app launches [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window]; So this but of code appears to set a PKToolPicker tool bar for everything (including text input on our webviews).
Feb ’24