In familyActivityPicker I can select Apps and Categories but there is no way to add websites. In Apple own screentime App same control (familyActivityPicker) provides a way to add websites.
Is there some sort of settings/entitlement or capability required to added in the project?
On authorized child app FamilyActivityPicker randomly stops displaying apps. All categories are visible but sometimes under categories showing no apps.
I have added a workaround to call FamilyAuthorization every time before calling FamilyActivityPicker this improves the issue a bit but still around 30% it stops listing apps.
I am able to show Device usage in a pie chart / custom view by using DeviceActivityReport extension. DeviceActivityReportScene, DeviceActivityResults every thing is working as expected.
I can get application identifier and names from DeviceActivityData but wondering how I can show/get the Application ICON for each app while showing its usage.
Apple in its presentation show the custom view that is showing Application icons. I have attached the screen show and also highlighted the App icon section.
Is there any way we can customize the text shown on dialog that appears when asking authorization for screen time?
I need to change at least the text on that dialog.
Apple provides predefined keys (that needs to be added in Info.plist) for customizing the text for other system generated dialog e.g "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" for when asking location permission.
I am invoking FamilyControls / AuthorizationCenter/ requestAuthorization(for:)