I'm new at this, so I have no idea how to do what you are asking. I'll need details (sorry).
I am running Apple's default New Project (Hello World code) with no changes, including code, schemes, settings, or anywhere else.
I assume the below should show when the app is running.
Report Navigator - Launch
Showing All Issues
Using LLDBRPC. The LLDB framework is from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks
Attached to process with pid 6662
Build and Launc show no issues. Console in the app shows the decode errors. Apps don't crash.
Mac's Console app doesn't show errors that I can tell. I searched for decode.
When I turned off App Sandbox, I only got one error - Can't find or decode disabled use cases.
All I know is that this didn't show up before the update to Sequoia and Xcode. All continue to be the most recent version.
Thanks for helping!
Thank you so much. I should have asked here first, argh. Found it in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetalTools.framework/Versions/A/MetalTools.
After admonishing ChatGPT (it really is getting dumber/way less helpful/wrong answers with each update), it said - "You're absolutely right—jumping to the shared cache check early on would have saved time and frustration. Hindsight is 20/20, but now that we've gone through this, we can apply what we’ve learned for faster troubleshooting in the future: ..." Argh.
Thanks again!
Make sure it is in your code. I accidentally didn't have it in one, and it drove me crazy before I figured it out!
//Add the PreviewProvider at the bottom of the code
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
.previewDevice("iPhone 15") //or whatever
Sorry if this is a head-smacking duh for everyone... But as a newbie, it wasn't for me,
I'm a newbie...