I currently create a AppIntent that contains a custom AppEntity, it shows like this
struct GetTimerIntent: AppIntent {
static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Get Timer"
@Parameter(title: "Timer")
var timer: TimerEntity
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
.result(value: timerText(timer.entity))
static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
Summary("Get time of \(\.$timer)")
func timerText(_ timer: ETimer) -> String {
// Implementation Folded
struct TimerEntity: AppEntity {
var entity: ETimer
static let defaultQuery: TimerQuery = .init()
static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation {
TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Timer")
var id: UUID {
var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation {
DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(entity.title)")
To get the timers, I create a TimerQuery type to fetch them from SwiftData containers.
struct TimerQuery: EntityQuery, Sendable {
func entities(for identifiers: [UUID]) async throws -> [TimerEntity] {
let context = ModelContext(ModelMigration.sharedContainer)
let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<ETimer>(
predicate: #Predicate {
sortBy: [.init(\.index)]
let timers = try context.fetch(descriptor)
return timers.map {
TimerEntity(entity: $0)
Everything looks make sense since I code it. When I'm testing, the console jump
No ConnectionContext found for 105553169752832 and I can't get my datas.
How can I solve this issue?