




Unable to write file with Data.write()
On a real iOS device, I am unable to write data to overwrite a file in my bundle. I am getting an error You don't have permission to save the file "CU_config.js" in folder "2023". Here is the code that tries to write the file. func configure() { let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: [.javaScript], asCopy: true) picker.delegate = self present(picker, animated: true) } func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) urls.forEach { url in let sourceURL:URL if(isMatch){ sourceURL = Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("www/2023/CU_config").appendingPathExtension("js") }else{ sourceURL = Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("www/2023/CU_Pit_config").appendingPathExtension("js") } let destURL = url let incoming:Data? do { incoming = try Data(contentsOf: destURL) }catch{ incoming = nil print("Unable to find file") let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: "Unable to find file", preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert) alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: nil)) self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) } do { sourceURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() try incoming!.write(to: sourceURL) sourceURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() }catch{ let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: "Unable to write file"+error.localizedDescription, preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert) alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: nil)) self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) print("Unable to write file") } webview.reload() } } I tried giving it permission in the info.plist by using "Application supports iTunes file sharing" but that didn't work. It works perfectly in simulation.
Dec ’23
How to have JS Website interact with a mutable file
I learned that I can't have a file inside the bundle if I want it to be able to be changed while the app is running. If I have a file stored outside, how could I let an HTML website access that JS file? I'm using WKWebView to run a local website. The JS would need to be accessible by the website before it loads, because it is a configuration file that is needed on load.
Dec ’23