




MDLAsset Export to USDC
En the following code, I create and export a triangle to USDC using the MDLAsset export function. The exported USDC file is correct, but I don't see the material component. It seems like the material is not being exported. Did I miss something? //new asset MDLAsset *asset = [[MDLAsset alloc] initWithBufferAllocator:nil]; //------------------ vertex descriptor ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDLVertexAttribute *atrPos = [[MDLVertexAttribute alloc] initWithName:@"position" format:MDLVertexFormatFloat3 offset:0 bufferIndex:0]; MDLVertexAttribute *atrNor = [[MDLVertexAttribute alloc] initWithName:@"normal" format:MDLVertexFormatFloat3 offset:12 bufferIndex:0]; MDLVertexAttribute *atrCol = [[MDLVertexAttribute alloc] initWithName:@"color" format:MDLVertexFormatFloat4 offset:24 bufferIndex:0]; //layout (12 + 12 + 16) MDLVertexBufferLayout *lay = [[MDLVertexBufferLayout alloc] initWithStride:40]; //add descriptor and layaut MDLVertexDescriptor *vdc = [[MDLVertexDescriptor alloc] init]; vdc.attributes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:atrPos, atrNor, atrCol, nil]; vdc.layouts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:lay, nil]; //-------------- material --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDLScatteringFunction *scatteringFunction = [MDLPhysicallyPlausibleScatteringFunction new]; MDLMaterial *material = [[MDLMaterial alloc] initWithName:@"matTest" scatteringFunction:scatteringFunction]; //--------------------- mesh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //vertex (position, normal, and color RGBA) static const float triangleVertexData[] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; //vertex buffer int numVertices = 3; int lenBufferForVertices = sizeof(triangleVertexData); MTKMeshBuffer *mtkMeshBufferForVertices = (MTKMeshBuffer *)[[asset bufferAllocator] newBuffer:lenBufferForVertices type:MDLMeshBufferTypeVertex]; NSData *nsData_vertex = [NSData dataWithBytes:triangleVertexData length:lenBufferForVertices]; [mtkMeshBufferForVertices fillData:nsData_vertex offset:0]; //index static uint16_t indices[] = {0, 1, 2}; //index buffer int numIndices = 3; int lenBufferForIndices = numIndices * sizeof(uint16_t); MTKMeshBuffer *mtkMeshBufferForIndices = (MTKMeshBuffer *)[[asset bufferAllocator] newBuffer:lenBufferForIndices type:MDLMeshBufferTypeIndex]; NSData *nsData_indices = [NSData dataWithBytes:indices length:lenBufferForIndices]; [mtkMeshBufferForIndices fillData:nsData_indices offset:0]; //submesh MDLSubmesh *submesh = [[MDLSubmesh alloc] initWithName:@"triangle" indexBuffer:mtkMeshBufferForIndices indexCount:numIndices indexType:MDLIndexBitDepthUInt16 geometryType:MDLGeometryTypeTriangles material:material]; //mesh MDLMesh *mdlMesh = [[MDLMesh alloc] initWithVertexBuffer:mtkMeshBufferForVertices vertexCount:numVertices descriptor:vdc submeshes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:submesh, nil]]; //add mesh object to asset [asset addObject:mdlMesh]; //export to usdc BOOL res = [asset exportAssetToURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]];
Jan ’24
Hand Tracking
Hello. When I make a call to this function, ar_skeleton_create_neutral_pose_hand_skeleton, it is supposed to create a hand skeleton in a neutral pose. However, when I obtain the matrix for each of the joints using the function ar_skeleton_get_anchor_from_joint_transform_for_joint, it returns the identity matrix for all the joints. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
Sep ’23
Hand Tracking Simulator
Hello. I'm working with Metal in the AVP simulator. I want to perform tests with the hand tracking system, but it's generating the following error: "<ar_hand_tracking_provider_t: 0x60000296c1c0> is not supported on this device." The question is: Is it possible to simulate any type of hand tracking interaction in the AVP simulator? Thanks in advance.
Sep ’23
Hello. I'm working with Metal in Apple Vision Pro, and I've assumed that I can use Mesh shaders to work with Meshlets. But when creating the RenderPipeline, I get the following error message: "device does not support mesh shaders". The test is on the simulator, and my question is: Will Apple Vision Pro support Mesh shaders on physical devices? Thanks.
Aug ’23