OK, I finally figure out that's my problem with setting the size classes for iPhone 14 Pro Max landscape. Using Any width, compact height works.
But there is an error in HIG documentation for iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro landscape size classes.
It should be fixed.
I successfully granted the entitlement and be able to set as the default browser on my product.
You can't use auto-signing on XCode if you grant this entitlement. You need to generate new provisioning profile with default browser entitlement (for both development and distribution) on Apple developer website manually. Download it and install.
And you also need to set the correct signing option on building setting on XCode while auto-signing is disabled.
It needs a little bit more work to do for this request on your project.
Anyway, I hope XCode can optimize this for better experience on next version. Can still be able to use auto-signing for handling those signing issues.
I sent back the requested information over a week, but I still don't get any response.
What's about the request status, what need to do for the next step, when and how to get the entitlement?
I still don't know about it. I have done everything for the update for iOS 14 but just waiting for this.
Any advice to speed up the process?
It's still unable to use PiP on simulator with iOS 14 GM, even on Safari.
AVPictureInPictureController.isPictureInPictureSupported() is still return false on iPhone simulator.
I re-installed Xcode again and again, the version of simulator is 18A372.
I asked this problem over 2 months. Any official response here?
Xcode 12 beta 5 is still return false on AVPictureInPictureController.isPictureInPictureSupported().
And the Safari in simulator is also not displaying Picture-in-Picture button while playing video.
On Xcode 12 beta 3, AVPictureInPictureController.isPictureInPictureSupported() is still return false.
Any response for this issue? I can not test PiP on iPhone simulator with iOS 14 beta.