




How to set deployment target of Swift Package to iOS 14 & macOS 11?
I'm trying to set the deployment target of my internal Swift Package(s) to iOS 14 and macOS 11. I want to do this, so I don't have to add availability checks all over the place since the app will require iOS 14/macOS 11. The following package definition works if I use .v13 & .v10_15. I've tried Command-Clicking the version to go to where it is defined, and see what the new values are, but that doesn't work correctly. let package = Package(     name: "MyPackageName",     platforms: [         .iOS(.v14),         .macOS(.v10_16)     ],     products: ...
Jun ’20
New logging in Swift, how do I remotely get these logs?
The new logging system looks nice, but the video didn't discuss how to get those logs from production devices. It only covered getting them during testing. If a customer contacts support from inside my app, I need to get a copy of the logs from that app/user. I currently am writing my logs to a text file, and then attaching that when they contact support. I realize that isn't ideal from a performance perspective. import os let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.example.Fruta", category: "giftcards") logger.log("Started a task")
Jun ’20
Image Capture API to access camera's filesystem?
In this URL there is the following blerb: Capture APIThe Image Capture API allows developers to leverage the Camera Connection Kit to import photos directly into their apps.I haven't been able to find in the docs or WWDC sessions where it talks about this. I have an app for our action camera and would love to be able to directly read the camera's filesystem over USB. I see where you can use a a document picker to access a USB filesystem, but that requires the user to properly find/select the correct directory in the camera's file system. I am hoping to be able to detect it and access it without the error prone user selection.
Jul ’19