




Comment on How to handle Push To Start Live Activity background run time
Also need a bit more clarification. My concern is getting push-token for the newly started activity, so that I can push updates to the activity, making it 'live'. The way I understand it, is that I should: iterate the AsyncSequence Activity<...>.activityUpdates and listen for updates. When a new activity is started, the app will be awakened, and I can start listening to the AsyncSequence activity.pushTokenUpdates When the pushToken update comes in, I'll send it to my server. ...right?
Comment on Where to retrieve Live activity update token that was started with ActivityKit push notifications using push-to-start token?
I am unsure about this statement: "You can use the same token token until the handler is called" Does this mean that I can push updates to the startLiveActivity device token? It guess not, because what if I start more than one activity...? The OS would have to deliver the status updates based on the contents of the static activity Attributes 🤷‍♂️