




Reply to Error 1110 - Report & Solution (Data Recovery)
I got new info thanks to Reddit User: DenyTheFlesh Copy and paste: It's the "swipe up to upgrade" screen but in Chinese. Basically Stockholm (that's your Apple Pay/NFC chip with the Secure Element) took a firmware update and iOS needs to do encryption stuff to the entire storage contents, but first it needs to decrypt what's already there by getting the correct passcode from you. Each attempt is a 15+ minute operation even if the passcode is wrong. If you know FOR SURE that the passcode you entered is 100% correct, then perhaps Stockholm took a bad update or there is something seriously corrupt in userland. If it can't decrypt for this operation, then it can't decrypt to access your stuff, and a full restore is your only option.
Dec ’23
Reply to Error 1110 - Report & Solution (Data Recovery)
Hello!!! I´m on the same situation as you: Error 1110 abd BootLoop, send iphone 11 to technician... we can boot the phone but we are now on the same screen as you!! A grey screen with a Box asking for a Code... but i DON´T KNOW WHAT CODE TO ENTER!!! I tried: -> unlock homepage code-> no way -> AppleID Code-> no way.... Any idea of what code to enter??? Thanks!
Nov ’23