




Cant get Xcode to build to my iPhone 11
So. I have the iPhone connected to my MacBook and its showing in the list of available devices in Xcode. But every time I try to run the app it says build failed and it tells me... Communication with Apple failed: Your maximum App ID limit has been reached. You may create up to 10 App IDs every 7 days. No profiles for 'com.Chi.War-Card-Game-Tutorial' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.Chi.War-Card-Game-Tutorial'. I have tried deleting Provisioning Profiles, creating a new certificate, un pairing and re pairing my iPhone, deleting and re adding my Apple ID. I don't have an apple developer account yet as I am still learning and am totally lost now on how to fix this. Can anyone help?
Jul ’20
Wrapped vs Unwrapped Optionals
I get that a wrapped optional is more secure in that you can't just modify the data contained inside without unwrapping it, but, is there any benefit outside of that to using a wrapped optional as opposed to just using an unwrapped optional. From my perspective at the minute doing var name:String = "" vs var name:String! is creating two variables, both of which can be modified in pretty much the same way, but var name:String? Seems to be just adding a extra step only to have to unwrap it to change it at a later date. Also, I am new to learning swift. So, what reason would you choose to use a wrapped optional over an unwrapped optional
Jul ’20