




Using a timer when the watch goes in sleep mode
I am trying to use a timer for an exercise app on Apple Watch (timer used for resting time after an exercise) but this timer stops when the watch goes in sleep mode (triggered by a wrist down). This is very unpractical as the user does the wrist down naturally during resting and the timer is stopped. I am using a basic timer with publish and on receive: let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect() .onReceive(timer) { _ in 		if timeRemaining > -1 { 				timeRemaining -= 1 		} but it does not work whenever the user does a wrist down. Can you please let me know how should I use the timer in order to work even in sleep mode? I see that the Apple Exercise app timer works even in sleep mode. Therefore, that should be doable. Thank you in advance for your help
Jan ’21
Neural Style Transfer with videos
Good morning everybody, I am looking for an API to apply Neural Style transfer to a video. You can easily do it using Xcode or Create ML but I was not able to find an API to do it inside an app. There is an API to do it for photos using a CVPixelBuffer (or an image / image URL) but I cannot find anything related to a video URL. Does anyone have ever tried Neural Style transfer with videos? If yes, could you please let me know how you were able to do it Thank you in advance for your help
Oct ’21
BERT-SQuAD: Question Answering not working anymore on iOS15.4
Good Morning, I'm not sure whether I am alone but the BERTSQUAD seems to not work anymore ( since iOS 15.4 update. I tried different configurations and the basic example model and it does not work at all. Do you have also the issue? If yes, is there a workaround to make it work with the iOS update? Thank you in advance for your help
Mar ’22