I am trying to get the name of the user on iPhone without having any user data stored in the application. I would like to display the user name on the summary screen. Using the NSUserName & NSFullUserName return Mobile and Mobile User instead of the actual user name. Please help if there is a way to implement it in Swift.
Hello, I am new to Sirikit and I am struggling to accomplish something which seems simple. I need to capture in my app a note from the user using Siri without Siri asking any questions and the application in the background, and after the note is saved in the application Siri needs to say Recorded. I used the system intent INCreateNoteIntent and it works fine as expected but the the initiation phrase that the user needs to say "Create a note on " isn't friendly enough to the user. I would like the user just say "Record" and the after that. Is it possible?
I tried also custom intents without any success. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have downloaded wwdc20-10073 Recipe Assistant project to play with it because I need to solve with Siri a similar business problem but the program doesn't work. I ran it with the default scheme Siri Intent Query (show directions for recepe on Recepe Assistant). I get an error from Siri "I can't get directions using Recipe Assistant. Sorry about that."
Can you please help what I am doing wrong.
I run the project in Xcode 13 and macOS Monterey 12.0.1