
Post marked as solved
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We've been using the same AVAsset loader methods for five years. Recently, with the release of iOS 14.2, the loader methods fail now. Specifically, when trying to read meta-meta within an h.264 encoded mp4 it consistently returns "this media may be damaged". This only happens with remote loaded mp4s using https. Here is an example using a resourceLoader class to assist with remote urls.   AVURLAsset *mAsset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:URL options:nil];            [mAsset.resourceLoader setDelegate:self->mAssetResourceLoader queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()]; [mAsset loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:@[@"availableMetadataFormats"] completionHandler:^{              // Setup              NSError *error = nil;              RLScene *scene = nil;                          AVKeyValueStatus status = [mAsset statusOfValueForKey:@"availableMetadataFormats" error:&error];             switch (status) {               case AVKeyValueStatusLoaded:               NSLog(@"Sucessfully loaded, continue processing");                 break;               case AVKeyValueStatusFailed:               NSLog(@"Examine NSError pointer to determine failure");                 break;               case AVKeyValueStatusCancelled:               NSLog(@"Loading cancelled");                 break;               default:               NSLog(@"Handle all other cases");                 break;             }                          NSLog(@" %@", error.localizedFailureReason); The above will not return a readable status. The error will always return "this media may be damaged" only in 14.2. It is successful otherwise going back to iOS 10
by Akorda.
Last updated