
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi guys,so the problem is that the quality of the image on ArKit is too low for our app - and we need to have it improved.I know this question has been already asked few times here and on SO, and also there're already feature requests sent to apple - but I just wanted to followup.Is there any news in either:accessing ArKit to improve the output of the ArScn images ? or is there any way to use ArKit and AVCaptureSession simultaneously?@Apple - when we will get some update on it? It's burning problem, especially for iPhoneX owners!
by AdamMax.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi, by default user can set the Distance trigger so that it's activated when object-camera distance is smaller than X. Is it possible to change it so that trigger gets activated when the value is bigger than Y(when moving away)? Use case to visualise it better: There's a car that is red by default, when user gets closer it's changed to blue, but when moving further away it's green. Thanks!
by AdamMax.
Last updated