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I've got a UITableViewCell that is in a TableView that is in editing mode. I have the cell's editing accent set to the Detail option. How can I access that little circle detail button that appears when my table view goes into editing mode, so that I can add a target to it?
by Adalex.
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3 Replies
I want to be able to get an array of all the available emojis in Swift. What I mean by available is all the ones that are current accessable to the device. Like when Apple adds some new emojis, I would like to not have to change any code, and the new emojis just get added in the array with all the other ones.If getting updated emojis is not possible, then how can I get all of the current emojis into an array (or perhaps a .plist file I can then load into an array) so I can access them in code?
by Adalex.
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I want to be able to use the motion sensors in my iPhone XS to get realtime data as to where the device is loacted in physical space. If the start of tracking is considered the origin (x=0,y=0,z=0,rotation values all 0), I want to be able to show the device's x,y,&z positions in real time, as well as its rotation. I have already figured out how to do the rotation part using the gyro (that was easy), but the translation aspect of this is causing me trouble. I thought the accelerometer's values it outputted would show how fast the device is moving in any direction, but instead it shows how many Gs are being felt in every direction. Is there a way to use this data to figure out how much the device has moved in the three axes every device motion update so I can show accurate x y and z values?
by Adalex.
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I'm trying to make my app have a simple crash log feature where, when the app crashes, a small text file is created and saved in a crash log directory in the app's Documents directory. I've already got all the code working to create the file and save it, but I don't know how to run that code when the app crashes, or if that's even possible. I just want to run a quick method when the app crashes for any reason and (if possible) get some information about the error that I could put into the crash log file. How can I do this?
by Adalex.
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4 Replies
Is there a way in Swift to identify the different parts of a given sentence string?For example,If given "The dog walked", you could identify that "The dog" is the subject and "walked" is the verbOr If given "Do this please", you could identify that "Do" is the verb and "this" is the object, and there is no subject so this is a command.
by Adalex.
Last updated