Any idea how to implement an alamofire/ or http login request for this kind of json data
"email": "myemail@...",
since i don't know how to read these curled bracelets "{" well, i need a severe help !
my data is from a url and not a json file, it is a url request
I have this data
and my code is
struct JsonResult: View{
enum LoadingState {
case idle, loading, loaded(UserData), failure(Error)
@State private var state : LoadingState = .idle
var body: some View {
VStack {
switch state {
case .idle: EmptyView()
case .loading: ProgressView()
case .loaded(let userData):
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
case .failure(let error): Text(error.localizedDescription)
}.task {
await loadData()
struct Response: Encodable, Decodable {
var data: UserData
struct UserData: Codable {
var date: String
var type: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case date = "date"
case type = "type"
func loadData() async {
state = .loading
guard let url = URL(string: "MyUrl(related to cloud functions") else {
state = .failure(URLError(.badURL))
do {
let (data,_) = try await url)
// more code
let decodedResponse = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
state = .loaded(
} catch {
state = .failure(error)
print(error) // this shows the real DecodingError
and after all this work, i want to get data from cloud functions, I got the same error, "The given data was not valid JSON.", although the data structure is valid json but It says data was not valid json ! any solution ? Thank you alot