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My preview scheme was working perfectly in my production scheme, so I duplicated it  but when I try to build preview the new scheme shows me this error "Compiling file failed: no such module  'MyApp' " no such module 'Safes' ---------------------------------------- CompileDylibError: Failed to build NotificationCellView.swift Compiling failed: no such module 'Safes' /Users/amin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Parental_Control-axokgvhejpgnmeftompkijzbbsin/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/Development/Intermediates.noindex/Parental error: no such module 'Safes' @_private(sourceFile: "NotificationCellView.swift") import Safes how can I fix this issue for breaking preview?
by ATMasoumi.
Last updated
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I have a budgeting app where user can add multiple transactions at once I want to give the user the ability to add these multiple transactions into their shortcut and when they run this shortcut these multiple transactions will be added to their account I've created an intent and a custom parameter called transactions which is a custom type called transaction then checked Supports For Multiple Value now I can access the transactions through intent but when I want to create this shortcut with add to Siri button Intent.transactions is always nil var shortcut:INShortcut {     let intent = MultipleTransactionIntent()     let transactionINO = TransactionINO(identifier: "\(UUID())", display: "transacrionfromApp")     transactionINO.amount = INCurrencyAmount(amount: 2009, currencyCode: "USD")     let cardNameINO = CardNameINO(identifier: "Home", display: "Home") = "cart"     transactionINO.category = CategoryINO(identifier: "School", display: "School")     transactionINO.note = "School"     transactionINO.transactionType = .expense          intent.transactions?.append(contentsOf: [transactionINO])     intent.suggestedInvocationPhrase = "Inside App Shortcut"     let shortcut = INShortcut(intent: intent)     return shortcut!   } the shortcut is created but transactions is always nil INVoiceShortcut: 0x28221a780 id: 8897E1D9-6D49-4965-88B1-FCDE22F3B98F, phrase: Multiple shortcut, shortcut: INShortcut: 0x283954e40 intent: MultipleTransactionIntent: 0x280da7500 {   transactions = null so how can i add these transactions into siri shortcuts intent?
by ATMasoumi.
Last updated