




scenePhase stays active when cover watch to close/hide app
I want to return to the main screen of my SwiftUI watchOS app whenever the app goes from "not shown" to "shown", but I am having difficulty accomplishing this for the case when I cover my watch to close/hide my app. Background: I use sheets to show the views because I'm not using a list/detail pattern, and send the binding for each sheet to the sheet's view, and then the sheet's view has code like: .onChange(of: scenePhase) { phase in    if (phase != .active) {  isShowing = false  } } At some point, I'll need to deal with what happens with always-on mode, but that's not my concern right now -- first I'm having trouble with what happens if the app is showing a non-root view and I cover the watch with my hand to go back to the watch face, then tap the complication to return to the app. It returns to that non-root view. I put in some diagnostic prints on a switch(phase) in the .onChange() and it looks like the app isn't notified about this type of event, and when I tap my complication/widget to re-open the app, it also doesn't trigger a change of scenePhase (my last print from before I covered the watch just says "PHASE ACTIVE", and there's not a new print to the console when I restart the app afterwards). If I cover the app with my hand to close it, I'd really like to be able to return to the root view when I "restart" the app. Thanks in advance for any insight!
Jan ’23