




SDProximity Pairing Agent Daemon
I really need some assistance in understanding what is below. Found within a system diagnosis Archives. if you could take the time and enlighten me it would be greatly appreciated /var/db/timezone/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney Ä Process.Monitor energybudgeting lifecycle scoring lifecycle(activityGroup) default SDNearbyAgentCore SDProximityPairingAgent Daemon Handoff SDXPCServer SFDeviceDiscovery AirDrop SDAutoFillAgent SFBLEScanner SDSetupAgent networkbudgeting Alarms inactivity.model.signals inactivity.predictionservice inactivity.powerlog client sync inactivity.sleepschedule server Subscription Default Push CloudLibraryCoordinator AssetUtils SyncBundle Framework_Oversize Framework NanoMusicSync CloudSync Default_Oversize RemoteNotifications EventDispatch AutoUnlock Client Lists Settings Connection signpost core assertions sleepWake wakeRequests systemLoad smartPowerNap PairedUnlock Authentications SFBLEAdvertiser SFBLEClient Connections LocalNotifications ContentProtection DataStore unspecified error misuse systemBudgetManager __WiFiDeviceManagerPowerEventCallback: d! ed OFF, m/ UpdateSoftApUsageSession: PH &Network=(null);Channel=0;STACount=0(Max=0,USB=0,BT=0, $roadcast=0,Hidden=0;Other=0;NanLink=0);MISEnabled=0 ™ Discovery MISScanBlock3 LegacyClients=0;Instant Force2.4GHz nnectInfra=0L P has no n& p recordG : method=5 end=0 teardown=0, misStart=0.0 , lpmDuratio , securityTypes 0x0P ResetRetryIntervals called by 1 pStopMIS AutoAssoci not allowed with Unified Q-Join eived:10 YName:f DriverAvail SetProperty: Copy current request "aggregated" wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGe 3wown ) 0 isWowActivityRegister iokit.battery.chargeLevel 83 same as before 0, bail 0outd CellularNotific AsGet : new scheme transmi ed TRUE, isShort FALSE Monitoring_bG _invoke: u runPeriodicTasks]: data did 61948 bytes (114 packets) q kIOMes Ïá ystemWillSleep edSinceBoot release Resource because of dis deferral canceled reason st à ility:false, :(0xe0821804), sub Off(0x0) flag: 0 previously: true P slowx HUD on S2RH ˜ Dwake SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.7007 added. Pending=1q . claimedY Aadmi _Check CpmsAlloc ABudg urnIndex 100ms : 2956 ly! and minvalu : AUTO-JOIN: $ d APPLE80211_IOC_HW_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS err=82 FAILED to get sus .PhotosUIPrivat erProvider([os: Descriptor| ", .StorageDB" ID:31-21519-102874 t attributes:[ common" n9 p"Finish Uninterrupt Environment:"a pAcquisiComple policy:AfterAppl itunescloudd>:161] ToSceneVisual <BLSBacklight 0x28280a880; * ve: YES; fide c Milli ; adjustedLuminance: Full>Õ :2.75 warning 2rtP PFixed7' GPUAccessGrant| role:w dground' JetsamPrio FBWorkspace (Fore NonFocal). 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The remaining 2 MB (99%) of the file are not displayed.  Å 7e2a1f100> c2 pid 16464 on mach serz Ulient b710; pid:Á lligence.spnfR healthd.widgetS 2758 0MTSu D0b38 C2049 HDSP bStoreSo SyncAnchorTWSainer à coremedia.spheà tion:EADCD2 Weight: 5.000, response: {Deci : Must Notè Gpceed, S pBrain_c f:87057 k0Quak Absolutely ]: Required:1> osanalytics.submis photod.sync.discr ary:58A1C5@ :FE502D Wed Jan 25 11:47:42 ( PduetaFT4ity r.restart anomalydeteBW d.CSFolderMonitor./var/tmpC7 /studies( UploaderSpooler.metadata:977143 Refresh:A046E ChargerPlugged loadWifiReach u:9174DAS sd.clinical .opt-in-data-u o:A25AF Config:DB8602N :41E311P siri.xpc_J .weekly:D77C9 9apsy VB9224 Indoor Prefetch:1A1AD6=ð o Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}} Absolutely Must Not Proceed {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, p Weight: 20.000, response: {DecisO Must Not Proceed, S mobileassetd-M Brain_check:87057 NetworkQual0 O11.40 Absolutely; PathAvailabi ]: Required:1r Observed: osanalytics.submis loudphotod.sync.discre ary:58A1C5@ Sdueta scheduler.restart as.fileprotec kbstatuschanged" ) anomalyde d.CSFolderMonitor./var/tmp/ /studiesS rUploaderSpook metadata:977143 1loc d.TileDown WifiReach u:9174DA healthrecordsd.clinicalsharing.daily8 :FC89D0J bluetooth vs:C3BDEv Config:DB860 :41E311P siri.xpc_N .weekly:D77C9 9aps VB9224 sensorkitV dCompana ToGizmo:FB166 DefaultPaR oNearby wifimanager.3Bars Indoor Prefetch:1A1AD6= SetProperty: null AutoJoin: AUTO-JOIN: Triggered (t Could not read APPLE80211_IOC_HW_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS err=82 FAILED to get supported channels (v auto-join` Copy current p reques by "aggregated"X ->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount() wowClients) 0 isWow overrideWoW externalPower Pbatte ‘³ hargeLevel * metrics for A same as before 0, bail 0outd CellularNotifiR ing_block_invoke: update sDisabledUntil: (removeAll 0I no entriesN @purgH Reset: type=Se runPeriodicTasks]:R a did 0 bytes (0 packets) over 22.419 second ssetAppl rRunning bground BundleId:jä PhotosUIPrivat erProvider
Jan ’23
Suspicious System Diagnosis
Located this in my system diagnosis files. Could someone please shed some light as to what this may pertain to? Any and all responses are greatly appreciated ™ˆwf☻ ☺ ☻ äÈ☺ p► Ð ☻ :+ CFBundleVersion xpc v16@?0@"NSObject<OS_xpc_object>"8 v8@?0 killer killer-waiter v12@?0i8 B32@?0@"PKDPlugInHold"8Q16^B24 Usage: pkd [-S servicename] [-v] d:S:v plugin keyboard playground-devtools AudioComponents type ausp silent-nse RequestsOpenAccess DT . CFBundleIdentifier this plug-in has no sandbox data container. Maybe run 'mobile_install rebuild system user' to register your plugin with LS? this plug-in has no sandbox data container. /System/ /AppleInternal/Library/Frameworks/ plug-ins outside containing apps must be in /System or /AppleInternal/Library/Frameworks. Maybe run 'mobile_install rebuild system user' to register the app containing your plugin with LS? plug-ins outside containing apps must be in /System. ENTITLEMENT: %@ ? ?UT-CONFORMS: ?UT-IS: <> <= >= = < > invalid host restriction entitlement the host's plug-in entitlement does not allow this plug-in the host does not have the "%@" entitlement HOME CFFIXED_USER_HOME tmp TMPDIR _SandboxContainer PKTEST_SDK XPCService EnvironmentVariables _SandboxProfile _OmitSandboxParameters error setting persona for launch of plugin %@(%@) PersonaEnterprise Platform _MultipleInstances is is not ServiceType System persona specified but disallowed for system extension %@(%@) XPC! CFBundlePackageType Managed RunningBoard be not be cannot obtain executable path for plug-in %@(%@) ("%@") ", " -AppleLanguages ProgramArguments Launching extension %@(%@) for host %d RBSLaunchRequest error trying to launch plugin %@(%@): %@ unable to enable plug-in %@(%@) I <PKDPlugIn: %p; core = %@, fileID = %@, launchFileID = %@> unsupported protocol version %d (current %d) invalid request format (missing type) unrecognized request invalid request format absolute path required: %s B24@?0Q8@"NSObject<OS_xpc_object>"16 B20@?0@"NSString"8B16 caller lacks entitlement for this operation invalid plugin path: %@ unable to register plug-in at %@ no plugin at %@ invalid request format (uuid) invalid request (bad uuid array) invalid request (uuid allocation failure) no such plugin (uuid not found) invalid request (multi-instance uuid allocation failure) Transmission of environment variables requires the %@ host entitlement Overriding default sandbox requires the %@ host entitlement access to plugin %@ denied: the plug-in is on hold access to plugin %@ denied: %@ B24@?0@"PKDPlugIn"8@"NSUUID"16 v32@?0@"PKDPlugIn"8Q16^B24 cannot create file extension to %@: %d invalid request format (bad annotations dictionary) invalid request format (annotation election) invalid request format (annotation extension) annotations values must be dictionaries invalid plug-in UUID value no plug-in with the requested uuid could not get uuid bytes request missing extension point name request contained invalid platforms array plugins are busy caller is not a known plug-in no containing App for receipt unable to locate receipt location could not load receipt data from file Cannot locate PlugIn missing UUID in request invalid request format (bad rules dictionary) exiting due to client request unauthorized discovery flag (PKDiscoverAll) B8@?0 v32@?0@"NSUUID"8@"PKDPlugIn"16^B24 q v16@?0@"NSNotification"8 negative B24@?0@"NSString"8@"NSDictionary"16 PKDatabase.m containingBundle is not an application LaunchServices failed to register the plugin LaunchServices failed to deregister the plugin -[PKDatabase pluginsWillUninstall:] found database version %d needed version %d i S Annotations unable to locate user directory: errno %d /var/db/PlugInKit-Annotations unable to locate user container: error %llu 3kmXfug8VcxLI5yEmsqQKw %@: personaID: %@, isEnterprise: %s YES NO <PKDPlugInHold: %p; uuid = %@, client = %@, created = %f, EP = %@, blocking = %@> pkd per-connection queue for pid %d pkd per-connection queue for %s (%d) <PKDXpcClient: %p; con=%@ pid=%d path=%@> <PKDXpcClient: %p; NO CONNECTION> %d B16@?0@""8 potentially unexpected error from xpc: %{public}@ unexpected error from xpc: %{public}@ unexpected message: %{public}@ removal complete for %@ %@: requesting termination from launchd, version [%{public}@] %@: one or more plugins have been terminated %@: launchd reported no running plugins on record %@: launchd error attempting to terminate plugins: error=%d waiting for %d termination replies sending termination reply releasing plugin hold %{public}@ at client's request releasing plugin hold %{public}@ for dead client pid %d releasing plugin hold %{public}@ because server is stopping pkd is launching verbose option -v is ineffective; use log config --subsystem unable to construct server [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] rejecting; No bundle URL from LS. [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] could not get extensionPoint for proxy: %@ uuid=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ LSPlugInKitProxy [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] extensionPointPlatform == 0 [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] rejecting; Ignoring mis-configured plugin at [%{public}@]: %@ [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] Created plugin [d %@] %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] Not issuing file extension registered as [.] because this is not an app extension; this is unusual. [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] failed to make mach extension for [%@]: %{darwin.errno}d [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] failed to make file extension for [%@] identified as [%@]: %{darwin.errno}d unrecognized match operator:%@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] evaluating NSExtension filter: %@ value: %@ discoveryUUID=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ uuid=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ identifier=%{private, signpost.description:attribute}@ discoveryUUID=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ uuid=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ identifier=%{private, signpost.description:attribute}@ success=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}d NSExtensionDiscoveryFilter [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] failed to create bundle for %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle failed for %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] Failed to get container path; error = %s [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] no data container [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] setting sandbox container to %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] no XPCService for plug-in; database returned %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] assigning plug-in to [%@] sandbox [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] %s multi-instance [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] %s a system service [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] persona
Jan ’23
Companion Link Active on device
Would someone please be able to explain to me what companion link is and how it may have become enabled on my device ? Would be greatly appreciated Terminusd-395.60.3 pid 1307 built on Dec 17 2022 04:33:51, iphoneOS 20D47 "🙈", packet logging disabled Companion link is currently enabled on this device 20:39:52.3305 : time of this status dump --------- NRD Local Device Database Status (0 devices) --------- --------- Director status --------- Name: Link Director Enabled: YES Fixed Interface mode: NO SOCKS port: 62742 SOCKS server: (null) FD Usage: { NETPOLICY = 2; Total = 6; VNODE = 4; } Unlocked data protection: ClassA --------- Manager status --------- Name: Policy Session Manager Policy Session: { priority = control1 policies = {} } Installed policies: { "NRLinkDirector-Drop" = ( 1 ); } Name: Link Manager - Bluetooth LinkManager type: Bluetooth State: Ready [] Links: {( )} Pipes: {( )} Peripherals: (null) CentralMgr: (null) PeripheralMgr: (null) currentAdvertisementState: Idle currentAdvertisementRate: Default Name: Link Manager - WiFi LinkManager type: WiFi State: Ready Links: {( )} WiFi Interface: en0 (index 16) AWDL Interface: (null) (index 0) WiFi Available: YES WiFi WoW Enabled: NO WiFi Client Type: 0 Local WiFi Endpoint: Local WiFi Signature: (null) Remote WiFi Endpoints: { } Remote WiFi Signature: (null) Remote AWDL EndpointDict: { } Available IPv4 addresses: ( "" ) Available IPv6 addresses: ( ) Available AWDL addresses: ( ) Prefer WiFi asserts: 0 Cleared Prefer WiFi asserts: 0 Orphaned Device Monitor Connections: {( )} Orphaned Device Preferences Connections: {( )} Ephemeral Device Connections: {( )}
Jan ’23
TCC exploit in System Diagnosis
Does anybody have a better understanding of what is going on below ? application-identifier" = ""; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = ( "" = 1; "" = { type = path; value = "/Applications/"; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = ( kTCCServiceAddressBook "" = ( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" "" = ( AGXDeviceUserClient, IOSurfaceRootUserClient "" = 1; "" = 1; " z!z&z(z*z/z1z4z6zCzHzJzLzQzSzVzXzezjzlznzszuzxzzz X$versionY$archiverT$topX$objects NSKeyedArchiver ! ) 1 9 A I Q Y a i q y WNS.keysZNS.objectsV$class NSAttributeInfo\NSAttributes bundle id: Telegram (0x364) class: kLSBundleClassApplication (0x2) container: /private/var/ (0x8) mount state: mounted Mach-O UUIDs: B5AB8084-BBDE-3C36-B6DE-7CA88D9054DD Device Family: 1, 2 sequenceNum: 868 itemID: 686449807 PurchaserID: 20854029713 staticSize: 121769984 installType: 1 appContainer: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E714F1A7-34C9-4097-92F2-A7990FF403F4/ (0x1730) dataContainer: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/38B4A01C-292F-4F45-8454-E39E33A86021/ (0x172c) path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E714F1A7-34C9-4097-92F2-A7990FF403F4/ (0x1728) directory: Other (255) name: Telegram displayName: Telegram localizedNames: "ar" = " localizedMicrophoneUsage: "ar" = " <.", "ca" = "Ens cal aix perqu pugueu enregistrar i compartir missatges de veu i v deos amb so.", "de" = "Brauchen wir, damit du Sprachnachrichten aufnehmen und Videos mit Ton teilen kannst.", "en" = "We need this so that you can record and share voice messages and videos with sound.", "es" = "Es requerido para que puedas grabar y compartir mensajes de voz y v deos con sonido.", "fa" = " /.", "fr" = "Nous en avons besoin pour que vous puissiez enregistrer et partager des messages vocaux et des vid os avec du son.", "id" = "Kami butuh hal ini agar Anda dapat merekam dan berbagi pesan audio dan video dengan suara.", "it" = "Ci serve per farti registrare e condividere messaggi vocali e video con il sonoro.", "ko" = " .", "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "We need this so that you can record and share voice messages and videos with itemName: Telegram Messenger teamID: C67CF9S4VU storeFront: 143441 versionID: 853749693 sourceAppBundleID: ratingLabel: 17+ ratingRank: 600 genre: Social Networking genreID: 6005 identifier: ph.telegra.Telegraph canonical id: ph.telegra.telegraph vendor: Telegram FZ-LLC type: User version: 24659.0 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x53600000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 }) versionString: 24659 displayVersion: 9.2.1 codeInfoID: ph.telegra.Telegraph signerOrg: Apple Inc. signer identity: Apple iPhone OS Application Signing appVariant: 1:iPhone12,5:15 mod date: 2022-12-27 14:58 (POSIX 1672113481, 4wks 1day 5hr 41min 36sec) reg date: 2023-01-25 19:26 (POSIX 1674635219, 1hr 12min 38sec) rec mod date: 2023-01-25 19:26 (POSIX 1674635219, 1hr 12min 38sec) bundle flags: has-display-name requires-iphone-os shows-sec-prompts is-containerized is-deletable (0000014000001002) plist flags: has-uibackgroundmodes has-required-device-capabilities has-cohort-metadata has-custom-bindings has-subgenres (0000000000036200) icon flags: supports-asset-catalog supports-alternate-icons (000000000000000c) slices: arm64 (0000000000000080) item flags: package application container native-app extension-hidden (000000000010008e) platform: native iconName: AppIconLLC iconDict: 2 values (11904 (0x2e80))
Jan ’23