TCC exploit in System Diagnosis

Does anybody have a better understanding of what is going on below ?

application-identifier" = ""; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = ( "" = 1; "" = { type = path; value = "/Applications/"; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = 1; "" = ( kTCCServiceAddressBook "" = ( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" "" = ( AGXDeviceUserClient, IOSurfaceRootUserClient "" = 1; "" = 1; " z!z&z(z*z/z1z4z6zCzHzJzLzQzSzVzXzezjzlznzszuzxzzz X$versionY$archiverT$topX$objects NSKeyedArchiver ! ) 1 9 A I Q Y a i q y WNS.keysZNS.objectsV$class NSAttributeInfo\NSAttributes bundle id: Telegram (0x364) class: kLSBundleClassApplication (0x2) container: /private/var/ (0x8) mount state: mounted Mach-O UUIDs: B5AB8084-BBDE-3C36-B6DE-7CA88D9054DD Device Family: 1, 2 sequenceNum: 868 itemID: 686449807 PurchaserID: 20854029713 staticSize: 121769984 installType: 1 appContainer: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E714F1A7-34C9-4097-92F2-A7990FF403F4/ (0x1730) dataContainer: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/38B4A01C-292F-4F45-8454-E39E33A86021/ (0x172c) path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E714F1A7-34C9-4097-92F2-A7990FF403F4/ (0x1728) directory: Other (255) name: Telegram displayName: Telegram localizedNames: "ar" = " localizedMicrophoneUsage: "ar" = " <.", "ca" = "Ens cal aix perqu pugueu enregistrar i compartir missatges de veu i v deos amb so.", "de" = "Brauchen wir, damit du Sprachnachrichten aufnehmen und Videos mit Ton teilen kannst.", "en" = "We need this so that you can record and share voice messages and videos with sound.", "es" = "Es requerido para que puedas grabar y compartir mensajes de voz y v deos con sonido.", "fa" = " /.", "fr" = "Nous en avons besoin pour que vous puissiez enregistrer et partager des messages vocaux et des vid os avec du son.", "id" = "Kami butuh hal ini agar Anda dapat merekam dan berbagi pesan audio dan video dengan suara.", "it" = "Ci serve per farti registrare e condividere messaggi vocali e video con il sonoro.", "ko" = " .", "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "We need this so that you can record and share voice messages and videos with itemName: Telegram Messenger teamID: C67CF9S4VU storeFront: 143441 versionID: 853749693 sourceAppBundleID: ratingLabel: 17+ ratingRank: 600 genre: Social Networking genreID: 6005 identifier: ph.telegra.Telegraph canonical id: ph.telegra.telegraph vendor: Telegram FZ-LLC type: User version: 24659.0 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x53600000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 }) versionString: 24659 displayVersion: 9.2.1 codeInfoID: ph.telegra.Telegraph signerOrg: Apple Inc. signer identity: Apple iPhone OS Application Signing appVariant: 1:iPhone12,5:15 mod date: 2022-12-27 14:58 (POSIX 1672113481, 4wks 1day 5hr 41min 36sec) reg date: 2023-01-25 19:26 (POSIX 1674635219, 1hr 12min 38sec) rec mod date: 2023-01-25 19:26 (POSIX 1674635219, 1hr 12min 38sec) bundle flags: has-display-name requires-iphone-os shows-sec-prompts is-containerized is-deletable (0000014000001002) plist flags: has-uibackgroundmodes has-required-device-capabilities has-cohort-metadata has-custom-bindings has-subgenres (0000000000036200) icon flags: supports-asset-catalog supports-alternate-icons (000000000000000c) slices: arm64 (0000000000000080) item flags: package application container native-app extension-hidden (000000000010008e) platform: native iconName: AppIconLLC iconDict: 2 values (11904 (0x2e80))

See my response on your other thread.

Hahaha! Yeah right…. Anyone with Apple or a fanboy gloss right over questions like this. My iPhone has some goofed up code running through it and no one can seem to answer my questions. They just tell me to contact the FBI…

TCC exploit in System Diagnosis