SDProximity Pairing Agent Daemon

I really need some assistance in understanding what is below. Found within a system diagnosis Archives. if you could take the time and enlighten me it would be greatly appreciated

/var/db/timezone/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney Ä Process.Monitor energybudgeting lifecycle scoring lifecycle(activityGroup) default SDNearbyAgentCore SDProximityPairingAgent Daemon Handoff SDXPCServer SFDeviceDiscovery AirDrop SDAutoFillAgent SFBLEScanner SDSetupAgent networkbudgeting Alarms inactivity.model.signals inactivity.predictionservice inactivity.powerlog client sync inactivity.sleepschedule server Subscription Default Push CloudLibraryCoordinator AssetUtils SyncBundle Framework_Oversize Framework NanoMusicSync CloudSync Default_Oversize RemoteNotifications EventDispatch AutoUnlock Client Lists Settings Connection signpost core assertions sleepWake wakeRequests systemLoad smartPowerNap PairedUnlock Authentications SFBLEAdvertiser SFBLEClient Connections LocalNotifications ContentProtection DataStore unspecified error misuse systemBudgetManager __WiFiDeviceManagerPowerEventCallback: d! ed OFF, m/ UpdateSoftApUsageSession: PH &Network=(null);Channel=0;STACount=0(Max=0,USB=0,BT=0, $roadcast=0,Hidden=0;Other=0;NanLink=0);MISEnabled=0 ™ Discovery MISScanBlock3 LegacyClients=0;Instant Force2.4GHz nnectInfra=0L P has no n& p recordG : method=5 end=0 teardown=0, misStart=0.0 , lpmDuratio , securityTypes 0x0P ResetRetryIntervals called by 1 pStopMIS AutoAssoci not allowed with Unified Q-Join eived:10 YName:f DriverAvail SetProperty: Copy current request "aggregated" wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGe 3wown ) 0 isWowActivityRegister iokit.battery.chargeLevel 83 same as before 0, bail 0outd CellularNotific AsGet : new scheme transmi ed TRUE, isShort FALSE Monitoring_bG _invoke: u runPeriodicTasks]: data did 61948 bytes (114 packets) q kIOMes Ïá ystemWillSleep edSinceBoot release Resource because of dis deferral canceled reason st à ility:false, :(0xe0821804), sub Off(0x0) flag: 0 previously: true P slowx HUD on S2RH ˜ Dwake SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.7007 added. Pending=1q . claimedY Aadmi _Check CpmsAlloc ABudg urnIndex 100ms : 2956 ly! and minvalu : AUTO-JOIN: $ d APPLE80211_IOC_HW_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS err=82 FAILED to get sus .PhotosUIPrivat erProvider([os: Descriptor| ", .StorageDB" ID:31-21519-102874 t attributes:[ common" n9 p"Finish Uninterrupt Environment:"a pAcquisiComple policy:AfterAppl itunescloudd>:161] ToSceneVisual <BLSBacklight 0x28280a880; * ve: YES; fide c Milli ; adjustedLuminance: Full>Õ :2.75 warning 2rtP PFixed7' GPUAccessGrant| role:w dground' JetsamPrio FBWorkspace (Fore NonFocal). Info, Iden ¨ %yed: YESR oBundleq iVendor*Ð = 0x323945314 345394446463939}>>, 2Pidn pEntitle s: API,SPI,ASA>" .3BarsCacheObserver BD80D5 4.698832829793294e-0 !{Deciu1a: Can s == 83 AND pluggedIn dasd.default Wed Jan 25 12:15:08 2023 anomalydetea8£ d.CSFolder /studiesS UploaderSpooler.meta„ :977143 sFileProz Absolutely Must NotR classALocked timeUntilDeadline3 -478386.H i354057 ]: Required:Ð iond.TileDownD WifiReach u:9174DAB³ sd.clinical .dailysync:FC89D0Jµ sets:C3BDEE Config:DB8602 d.issuerDirectory.c :41E311 d.ntp.wanted:750DA8P öß .weekly:D77C9G media.aps.calibrE f:B9224 sensorkit.0 dCompan ToGizmo:FB166> Indoor Prefetch:1A1AD6= sphereendstop _EADCD -qRunningE ° CatsWhiteliZ5 App: CATS en0: %[ 2app :0 bitmap:0x0 SetLowLatencyVÐ hs=0 t=1 wl=1 1coP DRceBitt display is ON[ (removeAll MIMO Power Save 53figv< cL=  You see the first 12 KB above and the last 18 KB below. The remaining 2 MB (99%) of the file are not displayed. 

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Can you please provide more context about what your app is doing and what behavior you're expecting/what went wrong?

See my response on your other thread.

SDProximity Pairing Agent Daemon