I already installed tensorflow latest version using the documentation given (link). But when I tried to run notebook with command "%tensorflow_version 2.x" , its giving error "UsageError: Line magic function %tensorflow_version not found.". Please tell me, what to do ?
I already installed tensorflow latest version using the documentation given (link). But when I tried to run notebook with command "%tensorflow_version 2.x" , its giving error "UsageError: Line magic function %tensorflow_version not found.". Please tell me, what to do ?
I already installed tensorflow latest version using the documentation given (link). But when I tried to run notebook with command "%tensorflow_version 2.x" , its giving error "UsageError: Line magic function %tensorflow_version not found.". Please tell me, what to do ?
I have successfully installed Tensorflow using the documentation provides by Apple developer (link). Thank you for the documentation. And please tell me how to install TensorFlow version 2.0 in my Mac M1?