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Hello. I recently released a new version (2.6) of my CloudKit syncing CoreData based app. The new version uses v18 of my data model. V18 is exactly like v17, except for a new optional string field in one of the entities. I diffed the two model versions to be extra sure. During my test I did not encounter any crash, and I also tested automatic migration, installing 2.55 and building 2.6 on top of it. No troubles. However my crash logger reports a number of crashes among my users. It's not a huge numbers (10 users over about 900 or more) but I am surprised it crashes at all. The crash happens when I call NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.loadPersistentStores, I get this error in the completion block: The model used to open the store is incompatible with the one used to create the store" I always assumed these slight changes (new field added to an existing model) did not require a manual migration. Any suggestions?
by nuutsss.
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Hello, I have a weird bug that happens only on my M1 Mac mini when buiding for the simulator. It is the typical table view NSInternalInconsistencyException error: ** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to insert row 2 into section 0, but there are only 2 rows in section 0 after the update' The error is related to a table view instantiated and managed by SwiftUI so I have no control over datasources. The corresponding View has a list fed a fetched result, with this property: var recipes: FetchedResultsRecipe { fetchRequest.wrappedValue } The crash happens the I add an object to the NSManagedObjectContext that stores the app contents. It happens when performing a very simple and fundamental flow of my app (a recipes app: the action is "add a recipe", imagine that). I found the crash yesterday after moving the project to my new M1 Mac. I verified that there is no crash or warning on the device iPhone XR) or on my older 2018 MacBook Pro. Anyone with a suggestion, or similar bugs? Thanks, Davide
by nuutsss.
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I have a complex project; it's got 10 targets and 5 languages so far (plus base localization). I have followed Apple documentation to extract the XLIFF files to pass to translators (Product / Export Localizations). The export seems to work, but if I inspect the generated xloc files I find no xliff: the "Localized Contents" folder is simply empty. This applies to all languages. No xliffs at all. So far I kinda managed by sending localizable.strings sources to translators, but they have been (rightly) complaining because the .strings format doesn't integrate well with their tools. I believe there is something wrong in my project, something that needs repairing, but I don't know where to start from. By the way, this is a commercial app, already generating revenue, so I am quite cautious when manipulating project settings and all. Do you have any suggestions? Cheers, Davide
by nuutsss.
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Hello, I have a strange bug. An extra tab bar button appears in the lower left corner of the tab bar; it has a label but no image. It duplicates the second tab bar button. There is an identical issue in stack overflow, but none of the suggestions there apply to my case; but you can look at the image there to see what happens. To give you more details: this app has a storyboard with a UITabBarController subclass at its root. This subclass does nothing, except managing some global notification. No subclassing of uitabbar. The tab bar controller has 4 items All items are UINavigation controllers, whose root are different controllers items 1 and 3 are pure UIKit, so we have a navigation controller and then some UIViewController subclasses items 2 and 4 have a UINavigationController with a UIHostingController inside, and of course then it's SwiftUI To reproduce the bug I need to: select items 2 or 4, which contain List elements select a list item (NavigationLink) = a detail controller opens navigate back from the detail controller I have checked with debug view heirarchy and logs, I have verified that when I do these operations an extra UIBarButtonItem gets added. Quite interestingly, if I do this on item 2 and then on item 4 I get two extra UIBarBUttons; but if I repeat the operation over and over again I don't get anything more. So ax extra button gets added once for each operation on items 2 and 4. It looks like some weird interaction between UINavigationController, UITabBarController and SwiftUI views. Or maybe an iOs bug, who knows. I have implemented a hackish way to traverse the hierarchy and remove the extra views, but I would like to remove the bug at its root. Do you have any suggestion?
by nuutsss.
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Hello, I am dabbing my feet in core ML and I am not so sure about the best way to tackle a language processing issue. I need to tokenize based on multiple words items. IE: "I like Ferrari Testarossa" In order to match "Ferrari Testarossa" I have tried two segmentation strategies: ["I","like","Ferrari Testarossa"] ["person", "like", "car"] and ["I","like","Ferrari", "Testarossa"] ["person", "like", "car", "car"] After generating the model, I realized that NSLinguisticTagger can only divide into words OR sentences (or bigger), nothing in between. So with either strategies, If I type "I love Lamborghini Contact" I get ["I","love","Lamborghini","Contact"] ["person", "like","car","car"] The first segmentation strategy (put tokens with 2 words in the same item) would be more suited to my UX, but I can deal with the second, it is quite trivial to join tags. I was just wondering, which is the best way to feed the model generator, Machine Learning-wise? Is there a difference in feeding the model "Ferrari Testarossa" and "Ferrari", "Testarossa" ?
by nuutsss.
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Hello, I am working on a Mac OS app to manage .abc files; these are plain text files (you can open them with TextEdit) that can be used to build music scores. I cannot set document the and UTI properly in my project. When I tap +O , in the open dialog, .abc files are greyed out, so cannot choose them. I am not the owner/inventor of the .abc format, so I am setting an exported UTI. Here are details from my plist. <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>ABC Music File</string> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>LSHandlerRank</key> <string>Default</string> <key>LSItemContentTypes</key> <array> <string></string> </array> <key>NSDocumentClass</key> <string>$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).Document</string> </dict> </array> And: <key>UTImportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key> <array> <string></string> </array> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>ABC Music File</string> <key>UTTypeIcons</key> <dict/> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string></string> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>abc</string> <string>ABC</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </array> I have been tweaking these settings a bit; I also tried using Exported UTI, but that was also to no avail. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Davide
by nuutsss.
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