Individual developer accounts in company

My comapny has company developer account through which all the live apps are published to app store. There are other divisons in my company where in they build prototype or demo kind of apps which will never go in production/app store.

My question is:-

Can managers of those divisions enroll for Individual developer account with their personal email address instead of using company's developer account since their apps are not going to app-store? Is there any legal issue here?


The last time I registered a Business Developer account, there was a certain amount of confirmation required, and I think that included things like DUNS numbers. If a division was enough of a distinct legal entity to get past the hurdles, that division could just get its own developer account. And that would probably be the best thing to do for those situations.

I think the biggest issue for using personal developer accounts in that sort of situation is internal. You want to be reimbursed for it, right?

The issue is one where they risk conflating account logins. I'd suggest to use unique Apple IDs to each account so the backend isn't confused in the process. I don't see any legal issues.