Is the new Proactive Assistant feature available on iPhone 4s in the iOS 9 public beta release?

I have been using the iOS 9 public beta (Build 13A4293g) since Apple released it. I am wanting to know if the Proactive Assistant (the page where you slide to the left of the first home page) is available on the iPhone 4s or has even been released yet. It shows up in the tips section which is why I am confused. Thank you in advance.


i have the same issue on my iPod touch 5th gen and iPad mini first gen. Maybe it's not supported for these older devices? But it's not like this feature depends on newer hardware. I'm confused because other people have it On their devices so it's not like it's not released yet. Have you managed to find any solutions?

I have the same question about my iPad 3 a.k.a. iPad with retina display. I haven't found any page or site that describes which devices support proactive.

Older hardware seldom gets the latest features. 4s is only supported because it has a

large installed user base at the moment. It's also 2 years old, which is ancient in technology


As others have mentioned, I strongly suspect it isn't available on older hardware. I couldn't find anything official that specifically says the new search page isn't available on older hardware, but this document does say "However, the search functionality of NSUserActivity and CoreSpotlight are not supported on the iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad (3rd generation), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation)." I have an iPad 3 WiFi that does not show the new search page; all I can do is swipe down as in previous iOS versions. The weird thing is the iPad 2 simulator does have the "swipe right" search page.