Linguistic schemes not found on device

Does anyone understand why this is happening?

On any simulator all of the schemes are found with the following code:

NSArray<NSLinguisticTagScheme> *availSchemes = [NSLinguisticTagger availableTagSchemesForLanguage:@"en"];
for (NSLinguisticTagScheme scheme in availSchemes) { 
    NSLog(@"Tag scheme %@", scheme); 

yielding the following:

2018-02-13 09:12:54.066970-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme Language 
2018-02-13 09:12:54.067160-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme Script 
2018-02-13 09:12:54.067300-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme TokenType 
2018-02-13 09:12:54.067425-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme LexicalClass 
2018-02-13 09:12:54.067541-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme NameType 
2018-02-13 09:12:54.067655-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme NameTypeOrLexicalClass
2018-02-13 09:12:54.067768-0500 MY_APP[79671:5737063] Tag scheme Lemma

However, on my device (iPhone 6s iOS 11.2) I receive the following..

2018-02-13 09:13:09.834879-0500 MY_APP[4327:313598] Tag scheme Language 
2018-02-13 09:13:09.835256-0500 MY_APP[4327:313598] Tag scheme Script 
2018-02-13 09:13:09.835556-0500 MY_APP[4327:313598] Tag scheme TokenType

Can anyone help explain to me why I cannot access the other schemes? In particular I am looking to be able to use the

. Currently this issue is causing the tagger to tag any word as (OtherWord), instead of it's true part of speech.

Any help would be appreciated..