Assertion Error into Table

Hello I'm getting an assertion error that states

2018-02-07 08:45:43.245693-0500 Vinyl Vision[3631:122950] *** Assertion failure in -[UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

2018-02-07 08:45:43.257778-0500 Vinyl Vision[3631:122950] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to insert row 0 into section 0, but there are only 0 rows in section 0 after the update'

I use an alert message to import information into a table via textfield. Any suggestions? I also get a SIGBART on my AppDelegate file. Using XCode 9 and Swift 4.

import UIKit

import Firebase

import Foundation

class collectionViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!

var desserts = [String]()

@IBAction func onAddTapped() {

let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Add Dessert", message: nil, preferredStyle: .alert)

alert.addTextField { (dessertTF) in

dessertTF.placeholder = "Enter Dessert"


let action = UIAlertAction(title: "Add", style: .default) { (_) in

guard let dessert = alert.textFields?.first?.text else { return }





present(alert, animated: true)


func add(_ dessert: String) {

let index = 0

desserts.insert(dessert, at: index)

let indexPath = IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)

tableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .left)



extension collectionViewController: UITableViewDataSource {

func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {

return 1


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

return desserts.count


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

let cell = UITableViewCell()

let dessert = desserts[indexPath.row]

cell.textLabel?.text = dessert

return cell


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

guard editingStyle == .delete else { return }

desserts.remove(at: indexPath.row)

tableView.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)

