In App Purchase payment getting reversed (refunded)

I implemented in app purchase in my app.

I tested it in sandbox environment. Its working as expected.

I launched the app. Even in production the purchase part is happening as expected.

User is able to unlock the content. I am storing the unlock content id in User Defualts.

But after sometime the amount is being credited back to the user's account. And as I have set the the unlock content ID in user defaults, user is able to use the unlock content.

So in effect I am getting nothing out of it. User is able to unlock the content and money is also refunded to his credit card.

Can anyone please tell me what might be the problem.

In sandbox environment its working all fine.


Refunds are rare. Even rarer is a user who gets a refund and then uses the IAP. But if you wish to check it, you need to periodically tell the App user that they need to refresh their purchase and then do a restoreCompletedTransactions. It’s very intrusive to all your honest users to catch the rare crook. ( For autorenewable subscriptions it’s easier. )

Can it be related to VerifyReceipts in some way?

I can see the proper in App Purchase in receipts.

I am verifying receipt it in completeTransaction.

Have you figured out the problem with this?

I just implemented a non-renewable subscription in-app purchase (which worked fine in sandbox). Once my app went live, I tested it myself, the purchase seemed to work just fine, but then I noticed on my bank account that shorty after the purchase Apple refunded me.

Could it be that they are detecting I am the developer and will not allow me to charge myself in Live? I can't find any documentation confirming this.