iOS 11.3 Beta 1 - Wifi authorization fails

I upgraded my iPad Air to iOS 11.3 Beta 1 last night. After restarting it fails to connect to any Wifi. I always get the error "Failed to connect to network ...".

I tried my home router and a personal hotspot on two different iPhones.

I tried airplane mode and restarting.

Does anyone have similar problems or hints?

Thanks in advance,




I also have this problem with iPhone5s. Remove the WEP, WPA, WPA2 protection and you could connect to opened network.

Just we need to wait a week than I hope Apple would repair this bug and we can download over OTA the beta2 or

you need to go back the stable iOS version 11.2.5.

I have problem whit authentication of Mail accounts and iCloud login.

The worst problem that my phone lost the bluetooth connection with my Apple Watch 3.

I removed the pairing and tried renewing but without succes.

Now I can't use my watch as watch.

No gym, no running, no watch, no health 🙂

i had the same issue after putting iOS 11.3 beta 1 onto my iPad Air also... tried all 4 of my networks and they all get the same issue of FAILED TO CONNECT... very frustrating... guessing we will have to hook to our computers and reinstall iOS 11.2.5 so we can redo load over the air the next, fixed beta?

I have not had this issue but has anyone tried to use "Forget This Network" action and try reauthorizing? Or resetting network settings.

I tried both of these. No luck...

I guess we have to wait for beta 2 as stated above.

I'm having the same problem, and when I try to connect i iTunes to reinstall 11.2.5, after confirming
"Do you want to allow this computer to access information on this iPad?",

it comes up withthe "To Allow Access to your iPad pleas respond" dialog,
and then
it says "iTunes could not connect to this iPad. The value is missing."

It'll be hard to fix if you can't install OTA and you can't install via iTunes.
Meanwhile, it also can't be used by Xcode either.

Have the same problem. Luck for me, Apple Watch 2 still works) As for phone itself - I cant even check my email, because it have deleted all passwords for my accounts. Waiting for beta 2 and hoping for fix.

The Iphone 6 updated fine, best I can tell.

However, the ipad air, model ME906LL/A had three problems:

1. Same as others, no wifi conncetion attemps could be completed successfully, not even to the updated iphone 6 hotspot.

2. Blutooth connection attempts would not complete successfully.

3. The ipad could not complete the ´trust computer´ handshake with Itunes on the MacBook Air, with OSX high sierra developer beta 10.13.4. So, of course Itunes could not gain access to the ipad.

Ultimately, I regressed the ipad back to 11.2.5, using Itunes on the MAC, by putting the ipad into recovery mode.

I also upgraded my iPad Air to iOS 11.3 Beta 1, same problem. NO WIFI, Not possible connect with comp for back... any idea? Or let's wait BETA2? then next question, if no wiFi now , no connection with comp -how we can download BETA 2 ???


Same problem with iPad Air. And I don't have a laptop atm. Because of the problem, the iPad only connects to an open network - I created a hotspot on my mobile (Android), without a password, added my iPad as a trusted device (so other's won't connect) - and that's how I check if there's an update available (about 5 times a day) 🙂

Also having issues with the sercure wi-fi, will happily connect to unsercure networks

Upgraded iPad Air. Same issues. Need to try an open network.

the same problem. Able to join unsecured networks though. Created unsecured hotspot on my phone to check for beta updates.

made an OPEN WI-FI NETWORK so I could get my iOS 11.3 beta 1 iPad Air back online since it would not connect after the first beta. iPad Air connected and successfully downloaded and installed beta 2. After restart, it still could NOT connect to a protected wi-if network! Come on Apple!!!!

The issue appeared with beta 2 : my ipad air 1 can't connect to protected wifi. I also can't connect it to iCloud, google or the assistant to send a feedback... The password is correct but nothing happens after.

iPad Air, WiFi-only.

Same problem: can’t connect to WPA2 networks, but can connect to open networks. Changed my guest network to unencrypted and connects without issue.

At work, can’t connect to WPA2 staff network, but can connect to open public network.

FIled a bug report via the Feedback app.