iCloud Drive consistently crashes on Computer

Every time I try to open up iCloud Drive in any browser, it Crashes. It says "ERROR Invalid cookie - no value" in the log file, not sure if that is related or not.

I set to Accept all cookies, tried numerous browsers, Reinstalled iCloud drive numerous times. Still, it won't open


Every time I try to open up iCloud Drive in any browser, it Crashes.

You are, alas, in the wrong place. DevForums is a place to discuss developer-level issues, like Apple’s developer tools and the APIs in our various platform SDKs. It’s not the best place to seek user-level help. You should repost your question over on the Apple Support Communities, run by AppleCare. Alternatively, you can escalate this via an official AppleCare support channel.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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