Identify phone numbers with CallKit Directory Extension

Hi everyone,

I'm develping an app that manage some phone numbers and when I try to use CallKit Directory Extension for identify the phone numbers of who call don't work for me.

I have the data in the ViewController and I pass it to Extension with App Groups. This works fine, but the problem is next.

I get properly the data in a Dictionary with this format: Dictionary: [String:String]. First key is the phone and value is the label [phoneNumber:Label]

Then I create a sorted array with all phone numbers: phones = Dictionary.keys.sorted(). (Works fine)

Then I create an array with labels:

for phone in Dictionary {

This works too fine.

Finally I use the for repeat that Apple have in the example for add it to context:

for (phoneNumber, label) in zip(phones, labels) {
            context.addIdentificationEntry(withNextSequentialPhoneNumber: CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber("34"+phoneNumber)!, label: label)

(the "34" that I add is the country code of Spain, I try too without it)

I run the app and the extension in my iPhone and the extension is activated correctly, but if a phone that I have in my app (and not in Contacts) call me, iOS only say "Spain", but not <App> Caller ID: <Label>

How can I solve it?

Thanks so much in advance!

(I test in a phone with iOS 11.2 beta and in other iPhone without beta)


I think that the problem is with CallKit Directory update frecuency. How can I force the update of extension?

For reload the extension I'm using:

let queue =
        queue.async() {
            CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.reloadExtension(withIdentifier: "com.____.extension", completionHandler: { (error) -> Void in
                if let error = error {

But I get this error:

The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 7.)
