Xcode 9 does not run app on connected device

Xcode 9 successfully runs my app on the iOS simulator, but when I try to run the same app on my connected device, Xcode progresses through to "Finished running <App Name> on <Device Name>" and ceases execution. My device is recognized by Xcode and seems to have all certificates installed properly, as no errors are surfaced during attempted execution.

Sorry, but this is a "me too" entry.

Did you get a resolution?

I have spent two days on this without success.

I know it is a fragility in Xcode, since it happened to me a week ago and resolved itself without any conscious effort on my part.

This time it's totally stuck!

I have tried rebooting all devices, re-pairing the watch, cleaning the product, removing xcuserdata, examining the watchKit app's .plist.

Xcode runs the phone component of my app fine.

It installs the app on the watch, which runs fine, but I get no debugging ourput in Xcode - which is what I desperately need to debug the app!

MacOS 10.13.1

iMac 27-inch Late 2013

Xcode 9.2

iPhone 6 iOS 11.2.1

Apple Watch 2 watchOS 4.2

Same here,

Terribly frustrating !

Is there anything new besides rebooting, repairing, rerunning ?

Thank you very much !

Same issues here... Apple are you listening?

Same here...

I tried running the app on the iphone only, set the scheme and destination accordingly. It seemed to work.

Any updates about this issue ? 😟

It appears to be a weakness in connectivity between Xcode and the watch.

Recent experience suggests rebooting the watch fixes it.

After a series of resets and Control-Alt-Deletes, started working when I removed my everyday watch and put the dev watch on my wrist. I've always been able to develop with the watch on the charger before. But it it may have had more to do with the phase of the moon than anything I did.


I faced same problem.

Solution(worked for me):

1. Disconnect iOS device and uninstall the already installed app from it.

2. Restart Xcode.

3. Clean the project and erase derived data.

4. Connect iOS device.

5. Build and Run.

I hope it works for you as well.

Xcode 9 does not run app on connected device