Pairing request when using BLE

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Hello everyone!

I'm developing the new feature of my app that uses BLE. If my devices (iOS7 or iOS8) communicate with the device (iOS9 b3), suddenly "pairing request" alert is popped up on the display of both central and peripheral. This apparently looks one of new bugs because I don't need pairing when using BLE, and I haven't found this kind of alert till iOS9 b2. Is anybody having similar problems? Anyway, I'll report this asap.

added @ Aug. 28
The alert is still visible in iOS9b5 with the same condition above.

Accepted Reply

Hi everyone,

This has been determined to be caused by a bug in iOS 8. Your best course of action would be to upgrade to iOS 9 on the effected devices, and urge your users to do the same to avoid the issue.


seeing this as well

Actually, it's happened if you use two iOS 8 devices. I also want to know how to avoid this.

I don't think so. When using devices with iOS7 or iOS8, I've never found that kind of error alert.

Are you using any of these?:







All of them have been removed from ios9 sdk.

Or maybe are you still using ios7/8 sdk? I'm also experiencing many issues with core bluetooth using ios7 sdk in ios9 beta 5.

Fortunately, No. I don`t use anything of them.

I`m still using iOS8 SDK. I`d better try on iOS9 SDK, and share the result. Thanks!

Seeing the same issue here in iOS 9 GM Seed connecting to iOS 8 devices. Have been using iOS 9.0 SDK throughout

Have the same issue on our app - Aroundthen, not a problem before IOS 9.0. Hoping it's fixed in 9.01 but haven't got any 8.0 devices too test against at the moment. Has anyone tried this?

Unfortunately not fixed by 9.01 - still have the same issue with 8.4.1 resulting in pairing request

I encountered the same problem recently.

I had both a CBCentralManager and a CBPeripheralManager on the main queue (nil queue in constructor), and was using the option CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: @YES. I had a single characteristic with CBAttributePermissionsReadable which shouldn't require pairing.

Moving both managers to their own private serial queues seems to have made the pairing request go away.

_centralManagerQueue = dispatch_queue_create([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%p: central manager", self] UTF8String], DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
_centralManager = [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:_centralManagerQueue];

Hi everyone,

This has been determined to be caused by a bug in iOS 8. Your best course of action would be to upgrade to iOS 9 on the effected devices, and urge your users to do the same to avoid the issue.

Would be fantastic if this does fix the issue. Can you confirm that you haven't had the issue since?