tvOS "Get Beta Updates" off but 11.1 beta downloaded anyway

When tvOS 11.0 was in beta I had the "Get Beta Updates" set to ON. Then when the 11.0 GM was released I updated to that and turned "Get Beta Updates" back to OFF. I checked for updates the other day and it said there was a new update and I installed it. I looked at the version number and it was 11.1 15J5559d. I don't think I ever installed the developer profile on the Apple TV unless there was a way to do it without hooking it to my computer. I'm not sure if this was a bug or if something else was going on. Why would it install the beta update if "Get Beta Updates" was turned off?


did you delete the profile, that you have installed before on your AppleTV?

Get Beta Updates is for participating in the Public Beta, setting it to Off doesn't remove dev beta profiles (and thus remove you from the dev beta)

Also, since you asked there is a way to install profiles without hooking it up to your computer. In fact, it's the only way to install profiles on the 4K. But you'd definitely know if you did it.