ATV4 enormous traffic use

I have Apple TV 4 since one year and now on tvOS 11.1 beta and suddenly yesterday night it started downloading 10mbit/sec constantly some unknown traffic. Monitored it with Fritzbox router and found out by unplugging one device after the other in my homenetwork. When it was ATV4's turn, the traffic stopped immediately. So this little ****** sucked 100GB in only one day!!!. The ATV was in desktop mode and nothing was running, no streaming, no music, nothing. How can that be?

I plugged it in again now and it seems to be good for now. I will closely monitor this and update if it this strange behaviour reappears. And stop telling people, it is their fault. It is clearly not. I had ATVs in various versions, starting from ATV2/3 and since 1 year I have the ATV4 and this never happened before. Maroons would not find out in the first place that something is eating their bandwidth. You have to have some knowledge and be mindful to find that out.