Safe area layout guide before iOS 9

My storyboard/app support from iOS 8. Xcode shows the following compilation error when I enabled "Use Safe Area Layout Guides".

"Safe area layout guide before ios 9".

Compilation error got resolved when I changed "build for" value from "Deployment Target 8.0" to "Deployment Target 9.0" in storyboard

Is there a way to support iOS 8 when Safe Area Layout is enabled?

the feature is not supported before iOS 9.0, so you can turn off it:

for view find the size inspector (or press: Option + Command + 5), you can see Layout margins,and unselect the "Safe Area Layout Guide" in the bottom.

for storyboard find the file inspector (or press: Option + Command + 1), unselect the "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" in the Interface builder Document

Safe area layout guide before iOS 9