e-wallet , qr-code as enabled pass , how to register as merchant ?

Hello, i have a qr-code, and i want to use e-wallet to scan the qr code as - enabled passes. the qr code contains participant information such like business card. for example if you go to an event, the qr-code also can act as attendance for the participant. how i want to apply that? and how i want to be a merchant if needed to use the e-wallet? And how about if the android user dont have the ewallet like iphone, so is there any app that they can download to use the same function. thank you .


I’m afraid, it doesn’t work like this.

You need a Server to create a signed.pkpass file first, which your users THEN may possibly download from a custom QR code.

If you dare to work yourself throught this, here is a good start: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/UserExperience/Reference/PassKit_Bundle/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012026