SLComposeViewController in iOS 11?

We've been using SLComposeViewController for Twitter; the "Home" view of our app has a "feed" consisting of user-submitted photos and Tweets.

We can't use an UIActivityViewController because we only support Twitter for our feed.

We're aware that social media credentials are no longer supported in device Settings in iOS 11, but SLComposeViewController does not appear to be deprecated for iOS 11.

Is there a plan to support installed app extensions (such as Twitter) for the credentials so that SLComposeViewController can still be used?

Or is this is an issue with Twitter's app extension not supporting something new in iOS 11?

I think lots of developers would like to continue using SLComposeViewController for specific service types, rather than have to integrate the Twitter SDK, and creating an App on the Twitter developer portal, if the only Twitter function they need is to compose.



SLComposeViewController is part of Social.framework and now it does not have access to Twitter accounts in the device.

I think you need to use Twitter Kit 3 to Tweet, log in users, and use the Twitter API.

And use TWTRComposer instead of SLComposeViewController.

As I stated in my original post:

"We're aware that social media credentials are no longer supported in device Settings in iOS 11, but SLComposeViewController does not appear to be deprecated for iOS 11."

As you can see here:

let SLServiceTypeTwitter: String is deprecated.

So you can not init a SLComposeViewController for Twitter.

let twitterComposeViewController = SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeTwitter)