View iOS 10 apps on iPhone X?


Is there any way to see what my existing iOS 10 apps will look like on an iPhone X using the simulator in Xcode 9?

When I open aproject, it changes the Base SDK to iOS 11, and doesn't provide an option to use iOS 10. So building a project this way would presumably not be equivalent to running the existing app on the new phone.

I'm trusting that Apple has done something reasonable with older apps, but I'd like to see how it looks.

I manage a lot of different apps, and won't be able to convert all of them to iOS 11 immediately, so it's important that I understand what the existing versions will do when someone runs them on an iPhone X.




Did you try sideloading an existing .ipa to the X sim?

Someone recently outlined that process, I think - I'll try to find it if you can't.


Build your project with Xcode 8.x then go to the built products directory. Copy the ".app" bundle somewhere else. Now quit Xcode 8 and, xcode-select Xcode 9, then launch from Xcode 9. Drag and drop the ".app" bundle onto the Simulator and it will be installed. Now you can run it to see what happens.

You can also use this technique to test upgrade scenarios by re-building the app in Xcode and deploying to the device where the old version is already installed.