git hosting on macos server no longer possible?


I hosted my git repositories on an Macos Server. After upgrading to Xcode 9 (on the Server) it's no longer possible to manage my repositories?

What's the best solution if I don't want to use GitHub and store my repositories on our server?




According to the Xcode 9 release notes:

"Xcode Server no longer includes hosting Git repositories. To continue using repositories that were set up in macOS Server, configure a new remote Git server and push your code to that remote. After upgrading to Xcode 9, any existing repositories are archived in /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/HostedRepositories."

If you don't want to use GitHub (or, I assume, any of the other fine SCM repository services out there), then you'll have to run your own, and take on all the headaches of running and securing your server, I guess.


For the moment I'll create my new git repositories on the Server via terminal.

git init --bare newRepro.git

Managing access rights can be done via group rights.

It was a lot easier with the old Xcode integration into MacOs Server but it still works for me.

I'm going to miss this feature too.