What will happen to my Touch ID app on iPhone X

My current app is Touch ID enabled, what will happen to the app when iPhone X rolls out? I can incorporate the Facial recognition in my next release but what happens to users who get my exisiting App on iPhone x as my next release is some time away.


Users will be prompted to use FaceID compatibility mode with your app. If they allow it the app will ask for TouchID auth but the system will substitute FaceID.

What about SecItemCopyMatching()/SecKeyRawSign() API's when used with kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave type keys with SecAccessControl flags kSecAccessControlTouchIDCurrentSet/kSecAccessControlTouchIDAny ?

SecAccessControlCreateFlags enum in <Security/SecAccessControl.h> was not updated in Xcode 9 yet..

Should we expect it to work transparently with FaceID too?

Nvm, https://images.apple.com/business/docs/FaceID_Security_Guide.pdfanwers my questions

Could not find any references in this document. So will SecAccessControlCreateFlags still work with FaceID?

You mean this? : "Third-party apps can use system-provided APIs to ask the user to authenticate using Face ID or a passcode, and apps that support Touch ID automatically support Face ID without any changes."