iOS11 / watchOS4 cannot transfer images anymore (WCErrorCodeFileAccessDenied)

what worked on iOS 10/watchOS3 does not work work on iOS11/watchOS45 anymore

NSString *filePath = [self securedDocumentsPathForFileName:[key stringByAppendingFormat:@"@%ix.png",(int)[UIScreen mainScreen].scale]];
  NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath isDirectory:NO];/
  NSDictionary *metadataDict = @{@"filename":key};/
  [self.session transferFile:url metadata:metadataDict];

this results in a WCErrorCodeFileAccessDenied

Any ideas?

Accepted Reply


Do you use Shared AppGroup folder ?

Here, since iOS11, i can't transferFile from AppGroup



but from Application Support , it's ok

(So, a workaround is to copy the file in tmpdir and transfer it. But it's not very nice)

(PS: The problem is iOS11 because it's the same problem with iOS11b6+WatchOS3xx not beta)

If you have any information about this change, please let me know





Do you use Shared AppGroup folder ?

Here, since iOS11, i can't transferFile from AppGroup



but from Application Support , it's ok

(So, a workaround is to copy the file in tmpdir and transfer it. But it's not very nice)

(PS: The problem is iOS11 because it's the same problem with iOS11b6+WatchOS3xx not beta)

If you have any information about this change, please let me know



I am still witnessing the same thing, file transfers do not work even in the iOS11 beta 10. I am also using App Group for saving and reading the file.

Would be nice to have this working as in iOS10, watchOS3.

Yes I too have varying results, rather discouraging even on the GMs