In-App Language Selection.

Our app supports English and Frech. User has to select language on first app launch. App is not depended on Device Setting language. (Business decision).

We have used custom NSLocalizedString methd where based on the selected language, NSBundle will get loaded and all the strings are loaded from that bundle. It is working fine currently.

From iOS 9, we would like to introduce new language in our app - Arabic which is Right-To-Left. Till now we have only Left-To-Right languages.

From WWDC-2015 videos on Internationalization and Localization, it seems all the UI Controls are automatically positioned to Right to Left if device language is Arabic(RTL).

My question is,let's say my device language is English but in my app user has choosen Arabic during app launch. will my all UI controls automatically positioned to Right To Left in this case? or do i have to handle it manually and change alignment of each control of the screen?