support for adjusted field of view?

Hi I am coming from developing an app in Wikitude and looking to port the same thing with the ARKIt. All our features seem possible except one that I was wondering about.

With the ARKit is it possible to create custom plugins that allow to support the tracking of an ipad or iphone that has a lens adaptor connected to it that changes the field of view of the lens?

A wide angle lens adaptor on the ipad/iphone allows us to simulate a field of view closer to what our clients typically shoot with when on set with a medium format stills camera.




I don't think you can access nor modify tracking information of ARKit since they all are almost closed at the moment. Write one yourself (don't use ARKit as before when there is no ARKit) if you must

Thanks Tony. Yeah that is what I thought.

Any developers able to say if it will be possible to access or modify that info in coming releases? If that is something that is on the roadmap or if it will stay locked off in the forseable future?



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