ARKit Video Texture

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to know if there's a way to get a texture of what the camera is showing and then encoding it on base64 in order to broadcast that video. I'm using ARKit through it's Unity plugin.

Thanks in advance


I believe ReplayKit might be a better sollution for broadcasting video than capturing a texture.

This said, I had to switch my focus from Unity to native SceneKit/Obj-C/Swift, since one of the ReplayKit plugins on the asset store didn't work and the other ReplayKit plugin developers could not absolutely confirm compatibility with ReplayKit.

ReplayKit needs another broadcast application, depending in someone else does not look good for me.

I know that exist the ARTextureHandles class which has something like a camera texture in UnityARKit plugin, but I'm not able to convert it to a png o jpg file.

Has someone tried this and can help me?


Just checkin in with this thread! I also need help with this issue: WebcamTexture doesn't seem to work either, btw. I can get the image onto a plane with WebcamTexture, but ARCameraManager seems to interfere with Unity's rendering, kinda takes over. Have you had any luck with this?