Apple Pass Wildcard Certificate, Wallet Display Vertical vs Horizontal

When signing multiple Apple passes with the same certificate, the passes are grouped together in the Wallet and displayed for horizontal scroll. Is there a way to sign multiple passes with one certificate and have them display separately/vertically?

Lets say my company owns multiple candy stores and we'd like to create apple passes (coupons, giftcards, etc.) for those stores. The company signs all of the passes with the Pass Type Id certificate that contains the pass type

Since all the passes for the separate candy stores are signed with the same certificate, they display grouped horizontally/together in the wallet. To the public, Candy Store 1, Candy Store 2, and Candy Store 3 are separate entities. We'd like to be able to use one certificate (*) to sign pass type identifiers:,, and so that in the wallet all of Candy Shop 1's passes are grouped together horizontally but separated vertically from the other shops...and so on.

One certificate is easier to maintain. If my company owns hundreds of candy stores, having a certificate for each store would be a nightmare to maintain.

My understanding after reading the Apple Wallet Developer Guide, new certificates are typically created if you will be signing a different type of pass, e.g. store card vs coupon. ( VS