black launch screen

I deleted the scene from the launchscreen storyboard and copied and pasted from my main storyboard a navigation controller and a view controller. Now the launchscreen just shows black. What should I check for?


Did you check that the launchscreen is declared as initial view controller ? (in IB, attributes inspector of main storyboard).

Yes. I set the navigation controller as the initial view controller.

And di you clean build forlder (option clean) ?

Yes. Product->Clean in menu.

That's not enough, you need to press option when calling the menu, which become "Clean Build Folder…"

I just did that. I also clicked on the app icon in the simulator and held down until all the icons jiggle. Then I uninstalled the app. When I run the project again in the simulator, I still get a black launch screen. Could it have to do with me using a navigation contoller and a view controller in the launchscreen? I set the navigation controller as the initial view controller.

I found this Standford ourse very good at explaining how to set multiple view controllers:

h ttps://

Watch lesson 6

I didn't know about free education on iTunes. I'm glad you showed me that. But I can't get the video to run either on Mac or on Windows. I press the get button from iTunes and nothing happens.

I did some things and now it's showing a blank white launch screen. Go figure.

First click on "view in iTunes" below the Stanford logo on the top left.

You will then be able to select the course you want.

Yes. That gave an error. I was able to find it in iTunes also. I had found the ones for iOS 10. I was able to see the list of lessons. Some of them will play, and some of them will not. It shows in the user interface which ones are available and which ones are not.

you must wait to download the course which are huge (1.7 GB), so it may take a few minutes before the course begins.

Did you succeed to get the course ?

No. I found a newer version that's for iOS 10 from Stanford. I have it showing in iTunes. Some of the videos will show, and some of it will not. The one you referred me to just happens to be the one that won't show. I think I'll file a bug report to Apple.