Linked Library in project template

I am trying to create a custom project template for use with xcode 8.3 which will create an sqlite3 enabled application. When I create this type of application manually (after first creating a Cocoa Application project), there are 3 steps involved:

  1. Create (in the project) a custom BridgingHeader.h file which includes the sqlite3.h headers
  2. Assign this header file to the project's build settings "objective-c bridging header" in the Swift Compiler - general section
  3. Add the libsqlite3.tbd to the "Linked Framework and Libraries" in the project general section (by clicking on + in that section and selecting libsqlite3.tbd entry)

I am basing the custom project template on the Cocoa Application template supplied in Xcode and can accomplisth steps (1) and (2); however I cannot determine how to accomplish step (3). I tried adding a Targets entry with Frameworks and specified the library name but when the project was created, it added .framework to the file name. I can't find any useful documentation on the allowable Targets entries (eg there might be something like Libraries instead of Frameworks), so any help would be appreciated.

The code I added to the template for this step is:


This code did add an entry in the correct place but appended .framework to the supplied filename. (When I substitue an actual framework name, such as CoreAudio that works as expected because it is a .framework file)

Linked Library in project template