iOS 10 UIWebView not opening App scheme

Is it iOS 10 bugs or change something in iOS 10 ?

Current code


is working on iOS 9 in webview.

However, it cannot open anymore in iOS 10.


Also seeing this on iOS10 final release and have filed bug rdar://28311471

This seems like an undocumented functionality change with iOS 10.

Workaround is to add Info.plist key LSApplicationQueriesSchemes as an Array, with item 0 being the URL scheme you want eg myappURL in your example, and any other items.

Please file a bug too on!

Have the same problem but in apps I cannot modify (ex : MS One drive). This apps are AppConfig compatible and i use an app scheme to start my authenticator in an identity federation flow.

Did you get an answer to your bug report ?

>change something in iOS 10 ?

Yes, something changed. No, not a bug.

UIWebView isn't iOS 10.x compatible and has been deprecated. Switch to WKWebView, instead.

Documented here: